Licensed Creative Arts Therapist


Clouds with Silver Linings

This year on St. Patricks Day, we decided to try this project which makes use of everyday household materials. I encouraged both of my children to think about something they hoped for , or a wish for the future.- A little therapeutic twist to the “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow. They both wrote their wishes on the back and we hung them up by the window. Here are a few pictures of the process as well as a list of materials you may need if you want to try it at home.

Supplies; Paper plate, cotton balls, glue, scissors, colored paper(any kind), A pen or markers for writing.

Cut a paper plate in half and glue some cotton balls on the top half for the clouds.Encourage children to think of a wish for themselves or someone else. This step can help to instill a sense of hope and places some focus on the plans for the future. You can use any kind go paper for the “Rainbow strips”. We had some left over gift wrap, construction paper and tissue which was all fair game!

Pooja Bakri